Humor In Difficulty

Posted by Anna Fitch on

We all know someone who makes every bad situation worse with a bad attitude, we also probably all know someone who makes every situation a little better by having a generally pleasant personality and a comforting manner when things go wrong. I don't know about you, but I would absolutely prefer to be the second someone there, helping the people around me to have a slightly better day every time we talk. Being able to find humor in your own misfortunes can help you also become one of those comforting people. Yes, the sorrow and disappointment are felt, they simply don't get to run the show and ruin the day. Yes, the problems are acknowledged and addressed as possible, and the absurdity or hilarity of each difficulty is also acknowledged because laughter is very good for us even in less than ideal circumstances.

Life in general is more acceptable to our minds and hearts if we can find the funny details in the serious big picture, or the beautiful flowers in the field that's received a fresh layer of manure. Noticing the ridiculous aspects of life is a bit like having a scoop of ice cream after finishing a plate of liver and overcooked vegetables. Enjoying a moment of peace after a hectic day with highly disagreeable people is similar to having a drink of refreshing mineral water after wandering hot dry sand dunes for several hours. So remain open to the good pieces that are part of every day and those little details will help you become more and more resilient in the not so good hours.

Nobody is completely un-phased by troubles in this life, but resilient individuals are much less bothered by the unimportant nuisances and can move past the greater trials with more grace, insight, and optimism. Seeking the humor, finding the funny, and embracing the intrinsic goofiness in everyday life helps build your resilience for making a happier future you. So remember to laugh about your mistakes as you learn from them, take details less seriously, and call someone who makes smiling easier for you. This world is full of funny happenstances, weird witty ways of wording things, hilarious misunderstandings, silly situations, comical consequences, and ridiculous reasonings, so enjoy watching for them, listening carefully, and giggling to yourself because of these underappreciated moments.

After you've practiced your smile and laugh for a week or more, come back for the next ingredient in our resilience pie.

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